How can I connect to Android via USB?

The phone is locked… Can’t open it. Probably hardware backdoored from factory and made that way by default. What do i do and how do i transfer files to qubes?

Transferring files over network should work fine.
Something like nextcloud or syncthing can be used.

Yes but why? Is this done on purpose? Why? Android likes taking the control out of people right… No sd cards, locked phones… Cant transfer files. Or is this some qubes issue?

It is a qubes issue. I don’t know how android does this MTP thing, but i guess it does announce itself differently than for example USB sticks. There is no support for the qubes block device handling (yet).

I can transfer files from my phone attached to sys-usb. It can’t be done trying to assign it from sys-usb to some other qube.
Probably even that can be done using adb over TCP


Yes, you are right:

I was able to access the phone via sys-usb, but I cannot attached the phone to another qube.

Why is that? Should I make a bug report?