Hosting an app and sharing its database with non qubes pc practical or possible?

Never mind i completely changed my strategy and got it figured out thank you

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Regarding the firewall, your best option would be this:

Since the destination is a Windows qube, you need to allow the incoming IP in the Windows firewall for this to work instead of the nftable rule in part 4.

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Good luck using Windows with Qubes OS.

using the qubes machine was going to be just a quick test his machine is a windows 11 machine. I plan on making the connection to his machine over openvpn using my dynamic dns url for him to log into. i am going to host the app on an appvm and will whitelist his machine as the only machine that will be able to come in, and even then only over the vpn connection we establish. i need to change my database from sqlite3 to postgresql to allow mutliple users. will the frontend of my application still be able to be used by his machine eventhough it was developed on a fedora machine? would my idea work and i could just have a log in function in the app code before anyone could access the app? should i use even more encryption or host it on a website as a web app? just trying to figure out best way to do this

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