Help to convert text from dom0 to txt file (beginner)

Hello! Well, I recently started using Qubes and since it is a level above my current Linux knowledge, I am having basic difficulties such as no sound on the computer, not being able to copy the ISO images I download to the pendrive and dealing with ‘‘memory problems’’ when starting VMpersonal. I really understand that these are beginner things, but even so, could you please help me to at least convert the outputs of dom0 to a txt file?

Hello. Welcome to Qubes.

  1. Sound - this could be simple or not. Open a separate thread with details
    of the problem, and your system.
  2. Download images. Do you have a sys-usb qube? Is it running? You should
    see a qui-devices widget, (looks a little like a mouse) in the tool
    bar. Use that to attach the pendrive to the qube where you downloaded
    the ISO. If you need help then open a separate thread with details of
    the problem.
  3. ‘memory problems’ - tell us what they are.

“convert the outputs of dom0 to a txt file” - not entirely clear what you
mean. If you want to capture the output of a command in dom0 to file,
then you can use redirect, like this: ls > listing. (The > redirects
output to name file, and >> appends output.)
Or you can use tee ; this will copy the output to a named file. Like
this ls |tee listing

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.