Hey guys, I’m trying to do a custom install of 4.1 because I don’t want Qubes to use up my entire disk AND I would like to use the higher encryption settings for the encrypted drive.
Seems the LVM layout (specifically the pools) is a bit different in 4.1 than it is in 4.0.
I initially followed the instructions here using the example: Custom Installation | Qubes OS
But after getting into the system with 1TB drive and discovering that since I assigned only 20GB to root (assuming everything else would fill the rest of the space) - it seems ALL of my VM’s are also getting installed into root, i.e. because there’s not a separate “vm-pool” & “root-pool” like there’s supposed to be in 4.1 - instead everything just goes into pool00.
So after learning that I did non-custom install to see how they’ve got it laid out in there and discovered there is no pool00 at all, there is a root-pool and a vm-pool as shown in attached pic:
Could anyone instruct me on the exact commands to run to get the proper 4.1 layout (in a similar fashion to the custom install instructions for 4.0) and also how to configure it so that all the vm’s actually get installed/created into the vm-pool space right from the start?
Thanks for any help with this, much appreciated!