Has anyone installed i3wm 4.22

Try these instead:

xcb-util-cursor perl-AnyEvent-I3 perl-JSON-XS 

Ok, it worked. Yay^^
How do I enable it?
Logging out and back in did not do anything.

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When you are on the login screen, you have a menu in the top right corner to select i3

I searched for it and it wasnā€™t there. Should I restart my computer instead?

Maybe, it should be but you can try a restart and see if it makes it appear

I need this to find the button lol.
It seems to work, however there is a lot to tweak with my 3 monitor mixed 4k setup.

Thank you for your help.

Glad it worked!
If you have any question post them, Iā€™m currently running i3 and I can help with a few things if you need to.

How do I make alt+f3 use the dom0 application-finder and not the one of the currently focussed qube?

Also: How do I start a dom0 terminal?

Edit: I pressed enter when prompted to create a default configuration. My modifier is mod4 (windows)

bindsym Alt+F3 exec --no-startup-id LANG=C i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -nb #d2d2d2 -nf #333333 -sb #63a0ff -sf #f5f5f5"
This should be enough.
I replaced this with rofi personally

Mod+Enter should be the default (cursor outside of a qube) otherwise you can open dmemu and look for the dom0 terminal

bindsym Alt+F3 exec --no-startup-id LANG=C i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -nb #d2d2d2 -nf #333333 -sb #63a0ff -sf #f5f5f5"

Did not work. I found another keybinding in the config

bindsym $mod+a --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -nb #d2d2d2 -nf #333333 -sb #63a0ff -sf #f5f5f5"

which also did not do anything.
Furthermore, how do I rotate monitors?
I started a dom0 terminal and executed xfce-settings-manager. Any changes to monitor settings did also not change anything.

Edit: Every monitor is currently a seperate workspace.
Is there a way to share a workspace across monitors?

Edit 2: I needed to manually install dmenu in dom0.

Edit 3:
I tried to do

bindsym Alt+F4 exec --no-startup-id xfce-appfinder

which did not work. Then I tried

bindsym $mod+F4 exec --no-startup-id xfce-appfinder

which works fine. Is the Alt key reserved somehow?

Edit 4:
Using Mod1 instead of Alt resolves the issue.

My bad, Iā€™m not using Alt for my configuration but youā€™re right since itā€™s an option for the default key.

You need to use xrandr for this with --rotate left/right/normal/inverted

I donā€™t think this is possible, i3 gives at least 1 workspace per monitor. Maybe this is possible if you merge 2 monitor together with xrandr?

You can use something like autorandr too.

Thanks. I got almost everything working as I want it.
One thing remains:
Do you know how I can edit the font size (or scaling) of qubes app like qube-manager or application-finder?

Did you check xfce4 font settings? I donā€™t think you can change the font size per application.

yes. Changes there do not have any impact.

But it is working sooo good. How did I managed to work with qubes for years without this zzz?

One more question: How are notifications managed?

Same, my workflow has changed drastically since I switched to i3.

xfce4 notification daemon is still running in the background, so it should work out of the box (if youā€™re talking about qubes start/shutdown notifications).

Hmm okay. I do not see any notifications. Could a missing dependency be the issue?

Can you check if you have the daemon running in dom0?

ps aux | grep xfce4-notify

Try to open xfce4-notifyd-config to check if itā€™s in not disturb and if qubes related things are checked in ā€œApplicationsā€. Show a preview too to see if itā€™s appearing.

@DVM Sometimes I get weird issues, that popups does or switching over firefox tabs leads first to an unresponses app for a while and sometimes crashes. This erros did not happen before setting up i3wm.

Is this a known issue?
May this related to the videoram buffer? Iā€™m working with three monitors and followed the guide (GUI configuration | Qubes OS) to set the correct value, but maybe i3wm requires more?

Sorry for the delay. Iā€™m not experiencing any of this personnaly (I use 2 monitors), Iā€™m still running on 4.1 so maybe itā€™s related to the new i3 and Qubes versions. Iā€™ll update when I switch to 4.2 but it will take some time.

No problem:)
Alright, I would appreciate updates at any time. I will also do a clean reinstall when qubes 4.2.0 ist out or maybe I wait until 4.2.1.