Has anyone else had sys-firewall automatically shutdown after QubesOS startup?

After a Debian12 security update, DisposableVM’s net connection was disconnected and ping was unresponsive (while untrusted Qube stayed connected), so I tried restarting QubesOS and DispVM’s net was connected. However, about a minute later, a sys-firewall shutdown message appeared and the net was disconnected from then on until I manually started it up.

Has anyone else experienced this? I was curious because this is the first time this has happened to me using QubesOS so far and after certain things have happened (not me changing the system).

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No, sys-firewall, sys-net and sys-whonix has always worked for me since R4.1.0.

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Thank you. It was good to know one case study.

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I’ve been considering what the cause could be.

I think I have found the cause. I had created a Windows 10 Qube, but I had left it unattended because it was not connecting to the internet at all in the middle of the day, but I had set the Windows Qube to start automatically during the week or so I had left it unattended.

Then I rebooted after the internet disconnection after the Debian 12 update and WIndwsQube was up and running, but when I checked that it was up and running, I was connected to the internet and was about to launch the Kindle app and log in. But after I remembered to do something else and was doing something else, I got a message that the sys-firewall was shut down, so I think the sys-firewall was down via windows.

I don’t know why Windows internet doesn’t connect, or why the internet is switched off as soon as it starts up with automatic start-up, but it seems to be OK. But I would like to ask anyone who has encountered the same situation as me to write here. The event happened after I did certain things, but I was relieved.

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There was an update to dom0 and debian12 just now, and after applying it and rebooting, both the WIndowsQube and QubesOS itself no longer lose network connectivity! I can only imagine that this has been addressed.

My PC has an intrusion in DispVM every 10 days and I have to rebuild DispVM each time to deal with it, but I will write and report if I find anything strange again. Thank you very much for your very quick response!

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Later on, there was a dom0 update again, and after the update I did not reboot, but then there was another debian12 update notification, and when I updated and rebooted this one, the sys-firewall did not crash, but it had already The installed WinodowsQube was not connected to the internet again.

I will wait and see how it goes for a while longer, as it may be just me.

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