Fyi Qubes OS with nvidia / nouveau (just don't)

You can try adding nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau to the kernel boot parameters

It still does the same thing… on the documentation it says to add that after kernel= line but I don’t see kernel= in the boot parameters. There are only like 4 lines of code in the boot grub

I tried that and the noexitboot=1 modprobe. Etc

It always fails after anaconda 32.24.5-5.fc32 starts
It says install log files stored in /tmp
She’ll is available on TTY2
Not asking for VNC because there is no network
X startup failed aborting installation

That’s as far as it goes every time… maybe I could run QEMU and harden it to be comparable to Qubes? Is that more likely to work than trying to troubleshoot this issue that seems like is more hardware related

I’m using a GTX1080 and checking dom0 the nouveau drivers were loaded by default. Blind luck or am I missing something?