FUSE Appimage file - Error

Continuing the discussion from Cannot Mount AppImage, Please Check Your FUSE setup:

Before last update (Qubes 4.2) I managed without problem an AppImage file from Whonix VM. Now i get thie error message "Cannot mount AppImage, please check your FUSE setup. You might still be able to extract the contents of this AppImage if you run it with the --…
Thanks for your help

Maybe try to install the package fuse in the whonix template, AppImage uses FUSE (a kernel framework to allow a user to mount filesystems without going through the kernel)

Seems related to AppImages won't run out of the box because fuse is missing - #3 by Patrick - Support - Whonix Forum although fuse should be installed by default if I understand the thread result (in June 2023)

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@solene is right. you just open whonix-ws template and type sudo apt install fuse and then enter, shut down the template after

It work’s
Thanks for your help