FirefoxESR doesn't remember window size

Hey All,

Can someone help me fix why firefoxESR always opens really small when I open it up.

This only happens in only one APPvm qube. On other qubes, FirefoxESR opens sized the way I last left it.

If anyone can direct me, Thank you

Just a guess, is it because you are running Firefox in a disposable qube?

Well, XFCE is not able to properly remember windows position and state (like maximized) for any applications and windows, including Firefox.

Every boot I have to manually move, place and maximize windows of almost all applications I use, including Firefox-es.

XFCE is really bad, lacking such basic features.

Ok Thank you for letting me this, Balko

I don’t have experience with XFCE desktop other than on QubesOS. Learning XFCE as well as learning QubeOS.

I guess that there is no mod or command line to make XFCE do this remembering of desktop window sizing, is there?

Oh well,


No, not in XFCE. You can try some third-party stuff that you would have to install in dom0 (which is not recommended by design). For example devilspie which is not a good solution, especially for average user, because it requires manually writing configs for all applications. Or write manual scripts with xdotool move which is also ugly and not reliable.

I think that a lot of users really dislike xfce for being like that for so many years and hope Qubes OS will change the default DE choice back to KDE as it was.

Thank you for your response, balko
