Fedora xfce - Superuser

Hello everyone

I’m new to the world of Qubes.
I have a simple question: how do you get “super user” privileges in the fedora-xfce template terminal?
when I type “su” it asks me for the password. I tried to enter:
1)The PW of the user account.
2)The PW (Passphrase) to decrypt the operating system.
3) Enter the PW of the root user, enabled during the installation of Qubes.
In all three cases the terminal does not give me superuser privileges: “Authentication failure”

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It is passwordless by default:

See also:

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So in practice, I am already a user with maximum privileges even without entering the password to enable the “superuser”.
I noticed that on the terminal of the Debian model: “Debian xfce”, just write “su” and it already enables you to be the super user. However, on the Fedora xfce terminal, does it still ask you for a password?

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No, by default you are logged into the user user which can access to root account with sudo -i without password.

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Ok, I typed the command “sudo - i” in the “fedora xfce” terminal, the message appears: “bash-5.2#” am I now the user with root privileges?

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yes, by default the prompt changes from “$” which symbolizes you have a user shell, to “#” which is usually associated to root user.

You can type id command to see what is your current user and group.

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ok, perfect I understand.
I have one more question: to install programs from the repositories I think it is not necessary to enable the root user, but to install programs downloaded remotely which configuration is better:

be the default user or enable root privileges and install the programs as root user?

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If you install something in the template, you need to be root, because if you install something as the user user it will be in /home/user which is not inherited by AppVMs using the template.

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ok, I will install all the programs in the templates as root user. Obviously the same procedure for programs downloaded from the internet on cloned templates…
Thanks for the information, I’m going to prepare my PC with Qube OS…

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