Fedora template update (over Tor) error in 4.2

Hello, I’m using Qubes 4.2 with template updates over Tor enabled. I received the error message below while doing the updates. I’ve never heard of that website and it doesn’t show up on search engines but looks like it’s legitimate. The links are http and not https and when I tried accessing those two links using a VPN I got 404s but there are other files in their repodata directory. Do you think this might be the Tor exit node doing a MITM trying to send me a fake xml file but it was unsuccessful because the update tool didn’t accept it?

Updating fedora-38-xfce

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'updates': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/aec97418cb2a92e94c512675a8c4267ce305163f814f8fe000b8c6dcaaf91ff4-primary.xml.zck - Download failed: Curl error (23): Failed writing received data to disk/application for http://fedora.ip-connect.info/linux/updates/38/Everything/x86_64/repodata/aec97418cb2a92e94c512675a8c4267ce305163f814f8fe000b8c6dcaaf91ff4-primary.xml.zck [Failure writing output to destination]; repodata/4254414dffd192e25a9441265c7452101ef4a1ecb8a4b1031a32b4539a9f606b-filelists.xml.zck - Download failed: Curl error (23): Failed writing received data to disk/application for http://fedora.ip-connect.info/linux/updates/38/Everything/x86_64/repodata/4254414dffd192e25a9441265c7452101ef4a1ecb8a4b1031a32b4539a9f606b-filelists.xml.zck [Failure writing output to destination]

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