Fedora 38 templates available

New Fedora 38 templates are now available! We provide fresh Fedora 38 template packages (standard, minimal, and Xfce) through the official Qubes repositories, which you can install in dom0 by following the standard installation instructions. Alternatively, we also provide step-by-step instructions for performing an in-place upgrade of an existing Fedora template. After upgrading your templates, please remember to switch all qubes that were using the old template to use the new one.

As a reminder, Fedora 36 has reached EOL. If you have not already done so, we strongly recommend that you upgrade all Fedora 36 templates and standalones to a supported template release immediately.

Please note that no user action is required regarding the OS version in dom0 (see our note on dom0 and EOL).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2023/05/26/fedora-38-templates-available/

Download failed. In brief . . .

Error canonicalizing file: failed to fill whole buffer


same issue for me

Download working fine now.

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trouble installing; how does the installation differ from previous?

The installation process shouldn’t be any different than the previous Fedora template release.

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Are there plans to update sys-gui and sys-gui-gpu to a fedora more recent than fedora-36-xfce?

Shouldn’t this have SELinux enabled by default as the issue was closed as completed in February?

Qubes OS 4.2.0 will feature SELinux support in Fedora templates.


Thanks! I missed that.

Hi. A minimal template based on Fedora 38 does not exist yet, right?

qvm-template list shows this, so it available in the official repository.

fedora-38-minimal  0:4.0.6-202305201231  qubes-templates-itl
fedora-38-xfce     0:4.0.6-202305200036  qubes-templates-itl
fedora-38          0:4.0.6-202305200036  qubes-templates-itl

Ohh great. Then I must have missed it. Thank you!


Updated announcement to specify all three available Fedora template versions.


At this time, are the current Fedora 38 templates in the repository shipping with SElinux profiles and SElinux enabled by default? I have upgraded my system to 4.2, but I’m still using my old fedora-38 templates and want to know when I should switch over my profiles to the “new” fedora 38 templates.

They should be. @Demi, can you confirm?

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On my migrated from 4.1 to 4.2-RC3 Fedora-38 template, the command getenforce says Disabled.

It seems selinux isn’t enabled.

On a fedora-38 template installed with 4.2-RC3, getenforce returns Enforcing.

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