Fedora-37 Update + xen-blkback crash + sys-gui

There is a crash which seems to be happening in the sys-gui and the error log references Xen-blkback. Another interesting event is that Fedora-37 seems to be updating at the same time the
crash occurs.

I have tried switching over to the qubes-dom0-current-testing repo, but this hasn’t resolved the issue.

I originally thought this was a kernel issue or a driver issue, but it seems to be pointing towards

Fedora as a distro and some library within Fedora, potentially a graphics display driver. Could

the crash be the result of a buggy Intel graphics display driver?

Could this be a buggy Fedora library? Which library updates could cause a crash to occur within sys-


This sounds slightly familiar to a post from a few days ago, maybe the above will help?

There is something either buggy or malicious in the Fedora Project graphics libraries.

Sometimes the things I read here and in other places where people have a heightened sense of paranoia add to how well I can rationalize my own. No, you probably didn’t find the next hot 0-day, you’re using a derivative of a derivative of an OS. That software is mostly maintained by people in their spare time. It’s always a bug, hardware, or misconfiguration, very likely not a conspiracy by the Fedora and Qubes teams who both sign their code and do CI builds publically.

Are you running an RC? Can you provide logs as suggested in that thread above?

What is an RC? Can you explain how it is a double derivative of an OS?

Release Candidate

No its R4.1.2

Here are some more information:

xfce desktop


xen_version: 4.14.6

My sense is that the issue is with an open source or potentially closed source graphics library.
It could be one of the following third-party graphics libraries found in many Linux distros including



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Any thoughts on bugs within third party graphics libraries? What about vulns?