Fedora 31 approaching EOL

Fedora 33 was released today, 2020-10-27. According to the Fedora Release Life Cycle, this means that Fedora 31 is scheduled to reach EOL (end-of-life) in approximately four weeks, around 2020-11-24.

We strongly recommend that all Qubes users upgrade their Fedora 31 TemplateVMs and StandaloneVMs to Fedora 32 or higher before Fedora 31 reaches EOL. We provide step-by-step upgrade instructions for upgrading Fedora TemplateVMs. For a complete list of TemplateVM versions supported for your specific version of Qubes, see Supported TemplateVM Versions.

We also provide a fresh Fedora 32 TemplateVM package through the official Qubes repositories, which you can install in dom0 by following the standard installation instructions.

After upgrading your TemplateVMs, please remember to switch all qubes that were using the old template to use the new one.

Please note that no user action is required regarding the OS version in dom0. For details, please see our note on dom0 and EOL.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2020/10/27/fedora-31-approaching-eol/