Favorite encryption programs for template vms?

I am going to encrypt document, like text files, personal notes, ebooks, etc. and I want an option beyond the “compress” feature that the right click menu allows users. I am not sure why they don’t include this feature in the right click menu right below compress you could have an encrypt option and then select the encryption scheme/difficulty.

Anyways, what are your favorite file encryption managers for Fedora / Debian templates?

  • Veracrypt is an obvious open source option
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It would depends on the purpose… there is no general all around best tool for encryption :wink:

What I use in practice:

  • LUKS for full-disk encryption (default in Qubes)
  • KeePassXC for passwords
  • GPG for email encryption
  • zip for (not so) secure file exchange - because my partners are not able to use anything better :wink:
  • 7zip for more secure file exchange and backups
  • approved and trusted (by the parties) file transfer (web) sites for business. - but this is not my decision but a company policy.

I fully agree with @Zrubi .
One thing to add: With LibreOffice you also use (beside password) GPG to encrypt your documents.

Worth reading when you using … loving Qubes OS:
split-ssh and split-GPG

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True, true.

I’d agree with yours above with a few additions:

  • LUKS for full-disk encryption (default in Qubes)
  • KeePassXC for passwords
  • GPG for email encryption
  • Kleopatra (GPG) for file encryption, using either passwords or public keys to encrypt.
  • signal, xmpp, or Sessions for secure chat. Sessions is forked from Signal but using tor-like onion routing and 64-bit string instead of email/phone number as UserID, for privacy and metadata protection. Very interesting project from some young fellas in Melbourne, AU. they built the Loki network to support it and a cryptocurrency (OXEN) to fund it… getsession.org
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For KeePassXC, would you set this up in it’s own isolated cube or across multiple cube?

Personally I feel isolated is best, only started when needed and then shut down. But I am a Qubes FNG and still learning.