Failing to start Nextcloud (.desktop broken?)

Hello everyone!
I’m currently failing to launch Nextcloud. I installed it in my work templateVM, using

sudo dnf install nextcloud

It seemed to work since when re-running the command it says that it’s already installed. For some reason it didn’t create a .desktop file though.
I created one manually looking like this

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Cloud Storage

and placed it inside the /usr/share/applications/ folder.
Now after refreshing the app shortcuts, the nextcloud shortcut shows up (with correct icon and everything). But for some reason I cannot launch it inside my work VM. It just doesn’t do anything.
Did I do anything wrong with the .desktop file? Maybe someone could show me theirs or point me into the right direction concerning Nextcloud setup.
I already created custom .desktop files for other applications and those are working.

Thanks and best regards!

Turns out I needed to install the Nextcloud client and not Nextcloud :joy: that was the fix for me :ok_hand:

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