External repositories, pip, snap, appimage persistent installations in template/appVM

My advice for pip (and perhaps other repositories) would be to install them on as user programs on the AppVM. Not in Templates

For development purposes, I think it’s better to have these installed on the AppVM user space than enabling network access to install packages with pip for example. Also because ideally you don’t run any other programs than the package manager on the TemplateVM.

But I’d like to hear concerns about the security of this approach.

:warning: warning: With any of these methods it’s likely you’ll forget to update software since the auto updater for Qubes will not be able to help you. So you might miss out on important security updates.

Installing Python Packages

Through Package Manager

Debian has quite a lot of packaged python packages, you can find them under the python- name space (apt search python3-)

Through PIP

For example, for pip you can look into virtual environements. What I do is

  1. On Template Qube you install python3-pip and virtualenvwrapper or equivalent

  2. Add the following to the end of ~.bashrc and reopen the terminal

    source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh
  3. And then on the AppVM you create a profile where you can install python modules that will persist across rebots (they will be installed under ~/.virtualenvs

    mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 [project] # [project] is a plceholder
    pip install newspaper # or whatever python modules you want

    Then everytime you open a new terminal and want to access that virtual environement you do :stuck_out_tongue:

    workon project

    And then a little (project) will show up in the terminal showing you are now on that virtual environment and as such you have access to all the packages installed.

Snap packages

There is a small discussion about this here: Qubes os and cryptocurrency wallets bu


I do have a program that I have to install as an AppImage since it’s not available in packaged form. What I do in this case is drop it on the template under /opt/, create a shortcut icon under /usr/share/applications and only start it on the AppVM.