Ext4 vs. Btrfs performance on Qubes OS installs

One day I will have to read all the docs…

[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qvm-pool
NAME          DRIVER
varlibqubes   file
linux-kernel  linux-kernel
vm-pool       lvm_thin

I don’t even know how to interact with that tool directly as of today, but from what I think I understood with XFS/ZFS/BRTFS threads I digged in, it seems that they fall into file/linux-kernel pool.

@brendanhoar @Rudd-O @rustybird : Could you please ELI5? Or jump a bit into https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/ssd-maximal-performance-native-sector-size-partition-alignment to correct the facts? Sorry If I tag you wrongly, but from what I read elsewhere, you guys seem to understand way better then us here what is going on and impact the performance of Qubes as of today. That would be hightly beneficial

The important post from the other thread is here: SSD maximal performance : native sector size, partition alignment - #30 by rustybird and says: