Exotic OSes which I tried on Qubes

One more thing that could be tried: https://www.damnsmalllinux.org/

what about infernoOS and bluebottle?

Can’t build native inferno for x86 - I found some guides and patches for raspi, and contacted guy who made them but he told me that running it on x86 may be not so trivial. But I was able to build and run virtual inferno on top of my 9front VM. If you find a way to run native inferno on x86 please let me know.

About bluebottle i never heard about that one. I will check it out.

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About bluebottle (or should we call it Oberon A2?). Running it on top of a linux vm is trivial. For native installation I can’t find any guide about building an ISO, and the one from sourcforge is rather old and not official.

Edited: this unofficial ISO from sourceforge can be booted in a regular way, but the cursor is even less usable then on plan9 etc. So I can’t click right menu and proceed with installation.

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