Ethernet setup on sys-net

Hi. I installed qubes in a pendrive. And I have been trying to setup an usb ethernet adaptor. I realised that i can see the ethernet adapter on dom0 but no on sys-net. I read that I can add the controllers on sys-qube but i should remove it form dom0 before to avoid can i remove these controllers from dom0?

You probably won’t be able to do this with USB-Ethernet adapter.
But you’ll be able to use Thunderbolt-Ethernet adapter.
You have two USB controllers in your machine 0000:00:0d.0 and 0000:00:14.0.
I have the same controllers on my laptop.
For me 0000:00:14.0 controller is connected to Bluetooth adapter 8087:0033 internally and this controller is not connected to any of outside ports.
So you have only one USB controller 0000:00:0d.0 and you’re already using it to boot Qubes OS from USB drive so you can’t remove it from dom0 and use it in sys-usb.
If you have the same configuration and 0000:00:14.0 controller is only used internally then your only solution is to use Thunderbolt instead of USB.

Hi. Thank you for help. According to the laptop specs, i have 3 ports in my laptop. 2 ubs 3.2 and one thunderbolt. the usb-c port is the only one with thinderbolt. So I would like to remove it from dom0 and add it to sys-net or a clone of it. But i have no idea how i can do it from the terminal.

Hide the USB controller from dom0 like this:
Edit /etc/default/grub, and add this line at the end of the file to hide one of the PCI USB controllers:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="$GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX rd.qubes.hide_pci=00:14.0 "

then regenerate the grub in dom0:

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

After hiding USB controller from dom0 you can add this USB controller to your sys-net.

Or you can do it temporary for a test at the GRUB menu at Qubes OS boot:

Shouldn’t this be automatically assigned to sys-usb?

@Borderedge installed Qubes OS on USB drive so sys-usb wasn’t created.

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Thank you very much. I will try it and I’ll let you know

I followed your advice and i added the line you gave me. But i did not change the 00:14.0 controller. In my laptop the 00:0d.0 controller is the one which controls the thunderbolt port. So, the ethernet adaptor is not seen when i connect it to the usb-c, but it is in a 3.2 usb . I activated the thunderbolt controller on sys-net but there is a connection error. The thunderbolt controller is not in use by dom0 but it is seen when run lspci. On the other hand should there be a command line in sys-net grub file to attach the thunderbolt controller to it?

Fix the PCI reset error by enabling no-strict-reset for 00:0d.0 device in sys-net Settings:

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I did what you recommended me. And the ethernet connection is working really well.

Many thanks for your help.