Errors updating Fedora-30 (4.0.3): Received HTTP code 500 from proxy after CONNECT


When updating fedora-30 on 4.0.3, errors appear. Here is first section and last of errors:

Error on updating fedora-30, Command ‘[sudo’, qubesctl’, ‘- -skip-dom0’, ‘- -targets=fedora-30’, ‘- -show-output’, ‘state.sls’, ‘update.qubes.vm’]’ returned non-zero exit status 20

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘fedora-modular’: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: Curl error (56): Failure when receiving data from the peer for [Received HTTP code 500 from proxy after CONNECT]

What is error? Thank you.


Set up and configure sys-whonix.

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Glad to know it’s solved @abc. I’ve added more information to the title to make it easier to find (if anyone has a similar issue).


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what do you mean by this? I should have sys-whonix ready to go, I’ve been using this machine for months. Just started getting this error today.