I’m not that familiar with salt, but I ran into a similar error when trying to upgrade dom0 with the qubes updater after manually installing kernel-devel. I’m still looking into the best way to fix it, but as a workaround you can manually uninstall kernel-devel from dom0, update dom0, then reinstall kernel-devel.
In my case, I followed these instructions to install librem-ec-acpi-dkms in dom0: Install librem-ec-acpi-dkms in Qubes ($1170) · Snippets · Snippets · GitLab
Removing kernel-devel also removed dkms and I had to reinstall both and rebuild the module. If this is why you installed kernel-devel you can follow these steps:
sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=remove kernel-devel
sudo qubesctl --show-output state.sls update.qubes-dom0
sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean -y
Reboot (you’ll need to resign your boot partition, choose a new default boot kernel and resign again in pureboot).
sudo qubes-dom0-update dkms kernel-devel
cd librem-ec-acpi-dkms-master
Edit dkms.conf and increment the package version to a new number like 1.1
sudo dkms add ./
sudo dkms build librem_ec_acpi/1.1
sudo dkms install librem_ec_acpi/1.1
sudo systemctl enable dkms
Reboot and you’ll have to go through resigning in pureboot again.
There’s probably a better way to solve this but I need to spend more time looking into it. If you installed kernel-devel for some other reason you might need to reinstall/reconfigure whatever needed kernel-devel.