Earmarking Qubes OS Donations

I’ve been donating monthly to the project through OpenCollective, but OC seemed mystified when I asked how I might earmark my donations for Qubes toward specific features or at least broader issues. Thus: what is the best way to donate with the expectation/understanding that those donations would go specifically to X or Y?

Edit to include relevant comment:

From the FAQ on donations:

Do donors get personalized support or special feature requests?

We regret that we cannot provide personalized support to donors or implement specific features based on donations.
In both cases, the reason is that our resources are limited.
If we were to allocate these limited resources to providing support to individual donors and implemented their requested features, we wouldn’t have enough resources left over to make timely progress on our core projects, and the long-term sustainability of Qubes would suffer.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.