Developing SaltStack sls states to Qubes has been painful, specially because I often run my sudo qubesctl --show-output --target=<vm-name> state.highstate
just to be siting and waiting for the target mgm to boot up, attempt the execution and shut down telling me my sls has a malformed yaml (a space missing, a colon missing, etc…) (usually giving me ‘rendering sls failed mapping values are not allowed’, ‘wrong references to environments and states’, etc…).
It would be lovely to have a --dry-run
option or a separate command to validate yamls - ideally this should be up-streamed to SaltStack people. Or in case it exists, documentation could advise the use of it.
I found the argument test
for states in top.sls
, but I don’t really use top.sls
, I might just need to read the proper documentation on it, if anyone has it, please. It would be good to describe a workflow testing in it and migrating to top files, if that’s a good way of proceding.
I also could only find one repo tackling this with a simple python script that makes sense to me. But I was unable to run it on dom0 (How to copy from dom0 | Qubes OS) and I guess I will be running it on a VM and syncing my sls via git (brunoschroeder/qubes-git-syncer: Sync git repositories through Qubes doms. - qubes-git-syncer -
# MIT by ipernet
import yaml, sys, getopt, os.path
def main(argv):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
print ' -i <inputfile.yml>'
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print ' -i <inputfile.yml>'
elif opt == '-i':
if os.path.isfile(arg):
stream = open(arg, 'r')
except yaml.scanner.ScannerError:
print "Input file is missing or not readable"
if __name__ == "__main__":