Double booting without internet

If I double boot windows 10 without internet connection and Qubes OS, can it hurt Qubes os security in any way?

There is an outside chance that the Windows install could compromise
/boot, BIOS, and firmware. That could be used to reduce the security of
running Qubes.
This would require malicious code to be held on the Windows system,
perhaps triggered in specific circumstances. Not impossible. (Cf
Stuxnet.) Likely?

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.


Ask the question another way.

What is your Threat Assessment?

Put another way. Who Hunts You?

Perhaps, who do you share a Router with?
And is your Router of a manufacture/firmware that it is not easily compromised? Such as, if you are in a family home, perhaps someone shared the Router Password with someone down the street, who thinks he should display his genius by intruding into others business.

I often see this, or questions about whether someone is a likely target.

If Snowden showed us anything it is that anyone is at risk of being
monitored and compromised. You dont have to be a target for reasons,
although some reasons may make it more likely that you are targeted. But
you may not know what the reasons are.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.

But I don’t think there is any three letter agency that would specifically put some code in windows to backdoor into cubes this way, it sounds like a really rare and specific thing to do

Stuxnet was a rare and specific thing to do, yet it was in the wild.

Any one with access to the supply chain could potentially do this. It
need not be targeted specifically at Qubes, but (eg) at any device with
an encrypted partition or non windows boot loader.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.