Dom0 vm-pool size issue

hi is it possible to decrease my vm-pool metadata size and use that space for vm-pool data?? i think i saw a post here once but i cant find it. im at 90% data and 48% metadata.

It certainly is. lvreduce should do the trick as described here: 5.4.15. Shrinking Logical Volumes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 | Red Hat Customer Portal. And then lvextend, as shown here: 5.4.14. Growing Logical Volumes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 | Red Hat Customer Portal

Note that with lvreduce/lvextend you would need to boot from another source and then (If applicable) mount the encrypted volume containing the lvm thin volume as you cannot reduce/extend root if you boot from it.

It’s also possible the tools are available in initramfs but I’m not sure.

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im trying to do the reduce/extend option but when i do lvresize --size +5000M /dev/qubes_dom0/vm-pool/data it doesnt work. I dont know what goes after vm-pool/ to indicate metadata or data volume. Because when i run same command without anything after vm-pool it works but theres just no space available.