Dom0 update aborts with code 134

when doing sudo qubes-dom0-update --releasever=4.1, sys-whonix pops up with:

 Unable to detect release version (use '--releasever' to specify release version)
 Fedora 32 - x86_64 - Updates                    431  B/s | 6.0 kB     00:14    
 Fedora 32 - x86_64                              546  B/s | 6.7 kB     00:12    
 Qubes Dom0 Repository (updates)                 225  B/s | 2.7 kB     00:12    
python3: ./libdnf/dnf-sack.cpp:723: gboolean load_yum_repo(DnfSack*, HyRepo, GError**): Assertion `fp_primary' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
Fetching updates failed with code 134; press Enter to exit

the same happens with just doing: sudo qubes-dom0-update

changing the proxy to sys-firewall-internet, or sys-net seems to end with the same results

Anyone have Ideas?

Maybe try to update your sys-whonix template and restart sys-whonix before updating dom0.

sys-whonix wont update. I’m trying to download sys-whonix-17 from the template manager leading me to this problem.

I tried changing the network cube to be “sys-net” and it still happens.

Then try to update your sys-net template first.

Did you find a solution to this? I am running into the same problem. Thanks!

Wow. Interesting timing. Yes, I just “solved” it this week. “Sovled” is in quotes because I’m not 100% certain it’s repeatable, so i’ll add steps that are probably irrelavant.

  1. tried updaing dom0, got the error message
  2. tried updating sys-whonix → the update of sys-whonix iteself failed
  3. used sys-firewall instead of sys-whonix → still didnt work
  4. used sys-net instead of sys-firewall → still didnt work
  5. tried updating sys-net template → still didnt work
  6. tried opening a terminal in sys-net and doing a sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade. the live update of sys-net went fine
  7. before restarting sys-net (which will undo the sys-net upgrade), i went back to dom0 and did the “sudo qubes-dom-update” command and this time it worked.

So I don’t have a good reason that it worked, but after doing that stuff it worked. Hope it helps.

Well good to know. If I ever have this problem again I’ll try your solution. I fixed it by re-installing and choosing Fedora as my default template instead of Debian and that fixed it. I had a new install anyways so a fresh re-install didn’t matter. Without reinstalling I bet you could just create a new sys-firewall and/or sys-net VMs based on Fedora and use those as your dom0 update VMs. Some problem with Debian not working with dom0 updates