Dom0 Doesn't Always Show Updates Available

Because Salt updates can deliver special fixes that the old direct commands cannot. These special fixes don’t happen all the time; just in special circumstances. However, if you never use Salt updates, you will never get these special fixes, and your system may remain vulnerable. This will continue to be true even if you diligently update with the old direct commands.

The fact that the Salt updates aren’t reliable (in the sense that they sometimes claim to have updated successfully when they actually did nothing) doesn’t change the fact that the Salt updates have greater capabilities that the old direct update commands don’t have. You can refuse to use Salt updates because they’re unreliable, but then you’ll miss out on any special fixes that only they can deliver. That’s why the workaround steps recommend using both methods (Salt updates followed by the old direct commands). This way, you can try to get any special fixes that might be available, and in case Salt falsely claimed to do something when it actually did nothing, you follow it up with the old direct commands, which are better at telling you whether they succeeded or not, so that you don’t miss out on any updates that the old direct commands are capable of delivering.


THANKS A LOT!! Now I understand the point!
Will be there some news, when the issue with the salt is solved?

Just keep an eye on #6585. Any updates will be reflected on that issue.

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@adw is there a non-cli mitigation. Isn’t it just a matter of selecting dom0 on the updater?

Well, no, because selecting dom0 in the Qubes Update tool is already part of “updating via Salt.” So, if you update via Salt, but it fails, then you might miss out on updates, which is the whole point of the “second pass.”

Well, I suppose you could use the Qube Manager for the “second pass” instead of the terminal commands.

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Had this reported a while back, Dom0 not checking for updates

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Oh. Wow. I hand not realized this had been going on for such a long time! This is serious.

I would swear that I can’t remember when was the last time I was notified that dom0 has updates. So, I’m doing it together upon other qubes’ update notification

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I don’t know if it’s specific to dom0, but Qubes Update doesn’t always notify me of updates. Usually when I start a qube, I then get the notification. Sometimes I don’t get any notifications even if the cube is running. I only noticed because when I manually run Qubes Update, the log shows new updates were completed. I manually run updates at the beginning and end of the day anyway. I was never too bothered to post on it until seeing this.

It happened again: I received a notification of update for Fedora, ticked dom0 update manually and it was updated too.

Updating dom0

without prior to be notified, but I’m not sure if there’s some time interval between 2 notifications defined for dom0, or in general (how to check that?). I think I manually updated dom0 2 days ago.

I read the entire thread and found that no one had created an issue.

The issue is #7437.


The #7437 and #7417 issues are now closed with a new version of the qubes-core-dom0-linux package published yesterday as stable:

Note: do the below actions only if you understand what you do.

First you should do a manual dom0 update (all the details are in this thread), you will get qubes-core-dom0-linux-4.1.21. Then later when a new update will be available you will get again the dom0 update notifications:




Awesome! I saw now my dom0 updates :slight_smile:


same here! (working again [for me])

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confirm, earlier today dom0 updates flashed up

Same here. I got notified of Dom0 updates.

Related question: when Dom0 updates show up, is there a place where I can go to see what these updates are, before I proceed with updating? Or is there a command that I can run in Dom0 that tells me what the updates are?


had exactly the same thought when the dom0 updates happened, actually prefer to see what is going to be updated

don’t understand for sure. I got NO dom0 updates since a rather long time.
Is the posting marked as solution the workaround for everybody or will it be solved in regular way (via dom0 update)? Because there stands " do the below actions only if you understand what you do."

So I don’t understand this core-admit-thing :slight_smile:

With the below issue request filter (most important is r4.1-dom0-stable):

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