Qubes will figure out the hardware, handle updates etc. The user doesn’t need to worry if this hardware works, if errors are encountered in updates, upgrades break, come to forums etc.
The company makes a polished working product. It will be something like canonical but security focused.
It’s in that direction but not complete yet. That’s like, this laptop is compatible with qubesos or Qubes is pre installed on that laptop. You want it to be an ongoing engagement.
Like a Synology device. You buy their hardware and software combo, and they handle the box for you.
It should cost same as ordinary laptop, not 2X like those purism devices. I buy a security focused device from you instead of Dell, and don’t need to worry about the computer, bugs, breaks etc.
@Eli All the mentioned (true) facts aside and just to add: In a very strict sense you can’t buy trust. You can buy comfort indeed. But then the optimisation goals (for all the parties involved) will shift.