Disposable VPN qubes, similar to a firefox-dvm (disp1234)

Is it possible to have disposable VPN VMs which launch as numbered VMs, so that you can launch multiple simultaneous instances, like you can do for browsers?

Instead of having VM for USA, one for Hong Kong, one for Germany, etc, etc, you could just have the disposable template, launch one or more, then choose your connection.

So far I can only have a single instance of the disposable VPN VM, similar to how sys-net functions.

Should be possible, just use conventional disposable instead of named one. For that you will need to configure everything in the disposable template.

It has its own disadvantage. Since all disposables inherit the same template, you will need to either provide VPN configurations after the start of a disposable, or use the same configuration for all of them, which kind of kills the purpose.

There may be a way to automate VPN configs using salt, but I’m not sure. Salt is broken in fedoras right now, so if you want to experiment with this use another distribution.

Yes I’m already using it as a disposable. Allow me to clarify my post.

You know how when you launch a whonix-workstation disposable, it appears as dispXXXX, where XXXX is a random number? And you can launch as many of them as you want, at the same time.

I’d like to do that with a VPN template.

If I understand correctly, you have vpn-usa-template, vpn-hong-kong-template, and so on. From those you can just create vpn-usa-dvm-template, vpn-hong-kong-dvm-template, and so on. From there, you should get your dispvm’s.

But, if I’m correct, then if I were you, before starting to deploy any anonymity/privacy scenario with Qubes, I’d read the docs from the beginning, to be sure that I got how and why Qubes works.

Starting from the naming convention. I changed the title, because Qubes isn’t the same as qubes. With capital Q, it is referred to an OS, with small q, it’s plural of entities (templates, appVm, dispVM, StandaloneVM, etc…)

Sorry but I don’t really understand your issue.

If you’re using regular disposables, their names are generated the way you want, “disp<number>”. Disposables have static names only if they are named disposables. Compare definitions of disposables and named disposables in docs.

This feature is generally cool, but is problematic in your particular use case. All disposables started from the same template will have the same VPN configuration. If this is not an issue for your case, try using regular disposables instead of named disposables. It should work as is if you are not using them in ProxyVM VPN configuration.

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Somewhere on this forum I found that if you refresh applications on the disposable vm, it will appear in the app menu as Disposable:vmname.

For whatever reason, I must always do that for it to appear near the top, allowing a numbered VM to launch. That fixed it.