Disappearing App Menu Shortcuts

Hey everyone, I have this strange issue where in the application menu some VM specific shortcuts disappear. The remedy is to go into that specific VM settings, under applications click refresh applications and sometimes the shortcut will reappear in the selected panel automatically and other times i just add it again from the available panel. That fixes it - but it’s annoying. Anyone else encountering this issue?

Which Qubes version are your running? Which template?

This might be relevant:

According to @ewokky’s description, I don’t think it’s relevant to my issue. I could be wrong though !

Negative. This is not my issue.

The application that keeps disappearing is ledger live app image. When you setup the app it does not automatically get recognized by Qubes app shortcuts. I followed the instructions for Whonix-Qubes (which is the AppVM I am using) for setting up the app shortcut. It is as follows:

### Ledger Live Start Menu Entry

Inside Whonix-Workstation ™ (Qubes-Whonix ™: App Qubes).

1. Create folder ~/.local/share/applications .

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications

2. Open file ~/.local/share/applications/ledger.desktop in a text editor of your choice as a regular, non-root user.

If you are using a graphical environment, run.

mousepad ~/.local/share/applications/ledger.desktop

If you are using a terminal, run.

nano ~/.local/share/applications/ledger.desktop

3. Paste the following contents.

[Desktop Entry] Name=Ledger Live Comment=Ledger Live - Desktop Exec=bash -c '~/ledger-live-desktop--linux-x86_64.AppImage’ Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=money-manager-ex StartupWMClass=Ledger Live MimeType=x-scheme-handler/ledgerhq; Categories=Finance;*

4. Save.

5. Qubes-Whonix ™ only: perform platform-specific steps.

In dom0 :

** Refresh Qubes dom0 appmenu: VM settingsApplicationsRefresh Applications*
** Add desktop shortcut.*