Desktop/Panel Weather Applet/Widget?

I have a somewhat silly question, but I haven’t found an obvious answer.

I used to have the XFCE Weather applet in my panel to be able to check the weather. However, in QubesOS the GUI is not connected to the network, so I cannot have an updated weather status in the panel.

Do you have any recommendations for a program I could somehow use to get a weather widget somewhere in my desktop?


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Conky, but:
for 1 - you need to learn lua and configure Conky in lua
for 2 - you need to find how to send data from sys-firewall to dom0 and to periodically check wheater in sys-firewall

or how to use proxy in dom0 to connect to wheater service

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You can run ‘curl’ command in disposable and receive it’s output by ‘qvm-run’ in dom0. If wheather service can be accessed by ‘curl’ then that would work.

I will be by my qubeslap at February then will check it out and do some conky config for that.
But without icons.
Conky 1.19.1-1.19.7 have bug in imlb2 integration, and Conky 1.19.8 is available not earlier than in Fedora 40 - not a chance to have it now in dom0.

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Thanks for the idea!

It seems more work than what I can afford to put into it right, but it gives me something to think about.

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If you are still interested, check out my proof of concept on GitHub Conky-WeatherAPI-QubesOS

Guide is on front page in

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Neat, thanks!
I don’t know when I’ll have the chance, but it’s good to know someone figured it out. :slight_smile:

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