Deleting fedora-32

You’re on the right path. You need to swap out fedora-32 for fedora-33 on all qubes. If the option is greyed out it’s because you need to shut down that qube first (via the little “Q” on the top-right widgets corner).

The instructions on the announcement of the end of life for fedora 32 should explain all that.

Here’s the more efficient way to do it.

  1. install fedora 33
    dom0 (XFCE terminal): sudo dnf remove qubes-template-fedora-33
  2. shut down all qubes (or just the ones based on fedora-32), including sys-firewall and then sys-net.
  3. switch out all the the ones that are using fedora 32 for fedora 33.
  4. remove it:
    dom0 (XFCE terminal): sudo dnf remove qubes-template-fedora-32