Debugging the linux kernel inside a qube?

I want to get started with linux kernel developing and because of that want to debug the kernel…
I found this:
Which is a pdf explaining how to debug vms inside the xen hypervisor. Which is what Qubesos uses?
But I cannot find the gdbserver-xen package in any repository nor do I actually know where to install it. In dom0? Did anyone here do something like that and is there maybe some more documentation on the topic?

gdbserver is available in dom0:

$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=search gdb

gdb-gdbserver.x86_64 : A standalone server for GDB (the GNU source-level debugger)

also in fedora-32:

$ sudo dnf search gdbserver

gdb-gdbserver.x86_64 : A standalone server for GDB (the GNU source-level debugger)