I am a relatively new Qubes user on release 4.2.1. I attempted to make a new standalone qube with HVM virtualization installed from a debian netinst.iso. In the configure network dialog I entered the IP, netmask and gateway with values taken from the Qube Manager settings dialog for the new qube but I get the error “unreachable gateway”. Any thoughts or pointers to where I can learn what I might do to make this work?
Set netmask to
My goal is to make a minimal install sufficient to run a handful of applications distributed as .appimage files where I can easily use the latest stable build and one or more unstable development builds. Apps such as openscad, freecad, orcaslicer, prusaslicer, etc. My desire is to have a qube which starts the debian desktop where I put all the .appimages giving me convenient access to them without having to maintain .desktop files and the dom0 app menu or desktop. Also I am hoping that orcaslicer might work correctly this way. Running it under PVH virt mode qubes based on the standard fedora and debian templates there is a problem where all drop down dialogs when opened by mouse click instantly close. Please explain if my above attempted qube setup is a poor choice for my intended use.
You won’t have the Qubes OS integration this way, e.g. you wont be able to copy files to/from this qube.
You can use Qubes OS debian template in full desktop mode:
Open your StandaloneVM testqube console from dom0 terminal:
qvm-console-dispvm testqube
Run this command in testqube console:
sudo apt remove --purge qubes-gui-agent
sudo systemctl set-default
Then enable debug mode for this testqube using GUI Settings → Advanced tab → “Run in debug mode” or using dom0 terminal qvm-prefs testqube debug True.
And also change Virtualization mode using GUI Settings → Advanced tab → Virtualization to HVM mode or using dom0 terminal qvm-prefs t…