Debian-based AppVMs Will Not Launch Applications After Upgrading to Debian-12

Fresh Qubes install. I cloned my Debian-11 template and upgraded it to bookworm following the instructions here. Initially had an issue with the TemplateVM losing an internet connection midway through the upgrade, but a restart fixed that and was able to complete the upgrade.

Now if I launch any application from an AppVM based on the new template, whether through the commandline or through the gui, it doesn’t launch immediately after the qube starts. It launches on the second try.

Also, the file manager has trouble mounting my usb devices and other drives. It’ll get stuck and then bring up prompt that says- “Opening [name of device]. You can press cancel to stop this operation”. It stays that way until you click cancel. And overall, the application seems to load slowly.

Applications from the debian-11 and fedora templates don’t have any issues. Of course I haven’t done much with them yet.

Debian 12 is only available for test, it’s expected that some things don’t work.

unman has made a template you can use, maybe it works better.