Crash on boot on Apache server qubes

Hi all,

I installed a new qubes for working on a web site, with Apache, PHP, MariaDB. It worked a few but now I can’t restart it.

I think it can be Apache or PHP bug in starting, but it still can be a PHP program I launched but it’s very strange, this program is clean…

Could you help me ? Have you an idea to solve this problem ?



And of course I rebooted my computer and it’s a young installation. I had installe it twice with same problems…

First, I would lower the initial memory to something like 400 or 500, you don’t need to put that much there.

Where did the log you provided come from? It doesn’t really show anything that can explain the situation. Can you explain exactly how it crashes? Does it shut down after you start it or does it do something else?

Can you go into the Qubes Manager, right click on the qube and click on “Logs”? You will get all logs related to the qube and the ability to copy them. Provide the “guest-dev_PHP.log” one which contains logs that are related to the boot process and all services.