Hi there,
I have a question about how to set up sys-qubes from minimal templates.
I can’t have apt connecting to the repositories in my new sys-net qube ; whereas apt is connecting without problem in the minimal template is has been made from.
The template is a kicksecure-17 (CLI) morphed from a debian-12-minimal. Inside it, I can run apt, upgrade and update (onionized repositeries (.onion) are working here).
When I try to run a apt install in the sys-net I made from it, no apt is working:
0% [connecting to SOCKS5h proxy (socks5h://]
I followed instructions here :
- Minimal Fedora, Debian and Kicksecure - when to use which?
- http://www.w5j6stm77zs6652pgsij4awcjeel3eco7kvipheu6mtr623eyyehj4yd.onion/wiki/Debian (CLI in with minimal debian12 base for upcoming sys-qubes)
- and parsed some topics about sys-net from minimal templates ; but what I saw is that they where able to apt install ; what I can’t do…
How is it possible that a template can be networked, but not the qubes made from it ? And how to solve this issue ?
(my sys-net-kick qube has been configured as the original debian12 “non-minimal” one (with the same options in qube manager, except the devices are they are attached to the working debian12 actuel sys-net)
Well, I’m still a begginer in qubes and linux OSs (and I rode that morphing to kicksecure in sys qubes seems to be causing many issues), but I’m learning, and willing to go on with somes indications. I’m learning trying. I already got the onionized repos working (in the template), and successed in morhping (as far as I can see, at least !).
I can send logs, and will follow any advices and recommended readings to understand all of this better.
all the best,