Connectivity trouble in sys-net AppVM but not in its template

Hi there,

I have a question about how to set up sys-qubes from minimal templates.
I can’t have apt connecting to the repositories in my new sys-net qube ; whereas apt is connecting without problem in the minimal template is has been made from.

The template is a kicksecure-17 (CLI) morphed from a debian-12-minimal. Inside it, I can run apt, upgrade and update (onionized repositeries (.onion) are working here).
When I try to run a apt install in the sys-net I made from it, no apt is working:

0% [connecting to SOCKS5h proxy (socks5h://]

I followed instructions here :

How is it possible that a template can be networked, but not the qubes made from it ? And how to solve this issue ?

(my sys-net-kick qube has been configured as the original debian12 “non-minimal” one (with the same options in qube manager, except the devices are they are attached to the working debian12 actuel sys-net)

Well, I’m still a begginer in qubes and linux OSs (and I rode that morphing to kicksecure in sys qubes seems to be causing many issues), but I’m learning, and willing to go on with somes indications. I’m learning trying. I already got the onionized repos working (in the template), and successed in morhping (as far as I can see, at least !).
I can send logs, and will follow any advices and recommended readings to understand all of this better.

all the best,

Did you install qubes-core-agent-networking package in your minimal template as suggested in the docs?

If you don’t have this package installed in the template then network won’t work in the qubes based on this template.
You’re able to update/install packages in the template without this package because the update/install process is not done using network.