I’d like to establish connection to both a wired and wireless network at the same time.
I believe it should be enough just to duplicate the sys-net qube and assign the ethernet PCI device to one and the wireless PCI to the another? At the moment, both PCI devices are assigned to the sys-net qube (like they normally are). I may also need to duplicate the sys-firewall too?
My use case is that I’d need to configure wireless devices and I’d like to have a functioning network connection for the rest of my system while doing this.
I cloned a new template called template-sys-net: qvm-clone debian-12-minimal template-sys-net and
then installed all the required packages: qvm-run --user root --pass-io template-sys-net "apt install pciutils gnome-keyring zenity qubes-core-agent-networking qubes-core-agent-network-manager wpasupplicant firmware-iwlwifi qubes-usb-proxy qubes-core-agent-thunar -y && apt autoremove -y".
I used the newly created template to create new qubes: sys-net-ethernet and sys-net-wifi. I assigned ethernet PCI device to the former one and wifi PCI device to the latter one.
I also applied sys-net default properties like documented in this post and set Initial memory to 425 MB as that seems to be the new default.
Everything is working as expected and I can now remove the default net qube created with salt qubesctl state.apply qvm.sys-net.