Cloning of App

Hi, after successfull installing of the office app including the automatic launch of the gnome desktop environment, i cloned this app and renamed it Software, dedicated to my software development.

I installed all required components and after the restart of the app all prior installed components were lost and no entry in the menue system was available.

What happened and Why ?

How to resolve this unpleasant issue ?

Thanks for your very kind support and help.

regards, hitam


Do you mean AppVM / qube by app?

i installed the software packages with the synaptic tool…it is very strange and not understandable for me, that this way of installing software is not possible and not feasible.

I do not mind to install software by terminal, however synaptic is a very convenient tool.

regards, hitam

@apparatus links point to templates documentation

You installed programs in an AppVM which is using a template, for security / ease of use, Qubes OS AppVM storage is not persistent across reboot, except the directory /rw/ which contains /home/. So you installed software, and next qube boot it vanished, it’s normal.

if you need some software to work with, you need to install them in the template used by your AppVM. The AppVM can not make permanent changes to its system.

This is better explained in the links above.

yes, the type of the Qube in queation is AppVM.

Thanks for your comrehensive explanation.

Well, then i have to revise my concept to create a separate AppVm for Office, Software Developemnt and Multimedia…if all required suppose to be installed in the debian-12 template which is base of all VM’s. Then my concept makes no sense at all to keep things in separate Qubes.

regards, hitam

you can clone the template and then dedicate each template to office / development / multimedia, and use the right template in each AppVM. This is how most people do.

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@Solene many thanks for your advice and ideas.

regards, hitam

thanks i also needed this help and advice