I have installed software before in Templates. This time I did:
sudo dnf install chromium
(in the default-dvm Template_
It gets installed as /usr/bin/chromium-browser
I also get a chromium-browser.desktop under /usr/share/applications getting created.
But Chromium never shows up in the App Menus in the Settings of the template. While the template was running, I ran in dom0: $qvm-sync-appmenus default-dvm default-dvm: Creating appmenus
In the Settings of default-dvm template, I tried the following:
Click on ‘Refresh Applications’
There is a Web Browser application, which is Firefox, not Chromium.
After I shut down the default-dvm template, and restart the template:
There is no chromium-browser under /usr/bin
No .desktop under /usr/share/applications
This is really bizarre. I have gotten other apps to show up in the AppMenus in other cloned templates.
Any suggestions?
I tried the same in the ‘work’ app VM. Installed chromium - the /usr/bin and the /usr/share/applications/ files show up. But the app never shows in the AppMenus. After restarting the app VM, the chromium files are gone.
While installing Chromium, and other apps, I get this error message. I started getting it recently:
[Dom0]Houston, we have a problem…
Whoops. A critical error has occurred.This is most likely a bug in Qubes Manager.
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘int’ and ‘str’
at line 33
of file /usr/bin/qubes-vm-settings.
So if the disposable template only persists like an app qube, then what is the point of a disposable template - it doesn’t behave like a template in the sense that additional packages can be added to it, and those will persist.
Does one have to add packages to perhaps the /usr/local/bin folder ?
So yesterday I created the new disposable template with Chromium, everything worked. But today, the Chromium disposable crashes when started. The following cmds are run in the dom0 window.
When I run:
(where disp123 is placebholder vmname; chromium-browser is name of link to the same named bash shell; dvm-fed40-chromium is the disp template under Templates/Apps Tab) $qvm-run -v --dispVM dvm-fed40-chromium disp123 chromium-browser Running chromium-browser on $dispvm:dvm-fed40-chromium disp3283: command failed with code: 127
Exit code 127 could mean ‘command not found’.
I also tried: $qvm-console-dispvm disp1811 (where disp1811 is the chromium qube starting up).
A console log type window pops up and crashes immediately.
It is hard to identify what went wrong after all worked perfectly yesterday.
Is this memory related. Here are my mem specs:
Basic tab: Private Storage max size: 10G (initial was 2 G); System storage max size: 20G
Advanced tab: CPU/Memory initial mem: 400MB; max 4000MB.