Can't install Signal-Desktop in Debian 11 Qube

Hi all,

So I’m a n00b but loving Qubes so far. I have strong reasons for using Qubes. I’ve gotten much software installed, but I’m having the damndest time trying to get signal-desktop to install in a Qube (based on Debian 11).

I’ve followed the instructions found here:

However, despite my best efforts, I get the following error message when running:

curl --proxy -s | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee -a /usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg > /dev/null

Error is: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.

Now, ummm…,. I did Google it, and have seen people declaring everything from an incomplete/flawed installation of Curl to having to manually breaking out the one-liner into parts. That’s fine… but I’m watching gpg --dearmor do absolutely nothing while using PipeViewer. It just goes on indefinitely with 0% progress. So I’m hitting a wall there as well.

I know this issue can be overcome, but would greatly appreciate you hand-holding me through the way. You have no idea how much your help means to me. Seriously. Thanks in advance!

Valid GPG data isn’t being piped correctly.

Have you tried running the curl command on its own to make sure it is installed?

Hi Burner9, download the files you need in a DispVM, qvm-copy them into your running debian-11-template and in that template sudo cp them to the place (/usr/share/keyrings/ ) where you want to store them.

In the case of gpg-public-keys double check their fingerprints with different sources. You could use the tor-browser / a whonix-ws-dvm for that. For debian’s package manager I have a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/3rd-parties.list with a

deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg] xenial main

inside. Works nicely.

This is not the issue. As the original poster mentioned, in templates you can access the internet by using a proxy in curl: curl --proxy

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True. But it solves the problem.

edit: is it possible that you accidentally used curl --proxy signalurl | gpg stuff in dom0 instead of inside your debian-template?

I’ll never understand why it eventually worked, I made no changes to what I’d been doing, but it succeeded on the umpteenth try. So bizarre. Thanks for your time and input.

I’ll never understand why it eventually worked, I made no changes to what I’d been doing, but it succeeded on the umpteenth try. So bizarre. Thanks for your time and input.

I made no changes to what I’d been doing, but it succeeded on the umpteenth try. So bizarre. Thanks for your time and input.

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Welcome to IT :smiley:

Hits a little close to home for comfort. Done helpdesk for years. Currently taking up Python/Django course on Udemy to finally get out from under the helpdesk…

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