I’ve reviewed the information to manage USB, and especially Keyboard : USB qubes | Qubes OS
And I can’t find the qubes.InputKeyboard in the location indicated…
What is weird though is that the USB Mouse works OK (it asks me if I want to allow it to Dom0), although, I can’t find where the qubes.InputMouse is neither…
I’m sure I’m not looking at the right place : what I have in /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/ is :
Folder : include
Files : whonix.GatewayCommand, whonix.SdwdateStatus, qubes.USB, whonix.NewStatus
The qubes.USB files just says :
$anyvm $anyvm deny
Which seems “correct”, but then, where are the input files I can amend to allow (or not) the USB keyboard ?
I have a laptop, so integrated keyboard (as well)
I’m using Qubes 4.2.0
The new policy system, starting with Qubes 4.2, use the /etc/qubes/policy.d directory now.
The qubes.InputKeyboard service is located in 50-config-input.policy by default.
You can also edit the rules directly from Qubes Global Config in the USB Devices tab.
Well I tried to update the document, I followed the how-to-edit-the-documentation process, but Github sends me on a 404 page when I click on “Fork this repository”…
Is it because I’m too new as a user ?
It’s not Qubes related per se, so it’s ok if I need to investigate elsewhere…
But then I went to the USB-qubes.md file, tried to modify (clicl the little pen), it asks to fork again, and when I click on “Fork this repository”, it sends me again on a 404 page…
Once you’ve forked the repository, then go to the forked repository (change YourUsername to your username): https://github.com/YourUsername/qubes-doc
And edit any files that you want there.
After editing all the files that you wanted you can create pull request for all the changed files at once: Editing files - GitHub Docs
Really, really weird… I thought it was working, but it’s not. when I click on fork from the ‘top folder’, it does as if it’s doing something, but… brings me back to the default repository, and when I check in my repositories, there is nothing…
I disabled noscript and ublock origin, it doesn’t change anything.
And I’m not using a VPN on that session.
And https://github.com/K0rb3n/qubes-doc is still 404 (of course).