Can't build out HVM

Correction…I can now copy from dom0 to domains

qvm-copy-to-vm <target_vm>

Here I moved from dom0 my screenshot…
Look at error in dom0 terminal…

That’s because of the spaces in the filenames, you need to escape them with \

qvm-run -p HardDrives_USBs 'cat /home/user/Bliss\ v11.14_5.10.32k.iso' > Bliss\ v11.14_5.10.32k.iso

Notice the name: Bliss\ v11.14_5.10.32k.iso

But as it was pointed out, this doesn’t make incredible sense since you can run an HVM from an iso located in a vm.

If you want to it from GUI, create a new Standalone VM with template set to None, then open the advanced settings, select “Boot qube from CD-ROM”, select “from file in qube” and the path.

@BEBF738VD Thank you very much. I see now and all is well and working, Thank you all for your time…

No worries. Please select an answer so we can close this.

Ok, just did…
Thanks for everything