Cannot create new thin volume. free space in thin pool qubes_dom0/vm-pool reached threshold

WHY!!! I never had this issue in qubes 3 but in qubes 4 this is happening all the time. And surprisingly no tutorial or documentation on how to increase the vm-pool data size. all i find is extending VM data sizes…
I have plenty of space avaible but i cant even open my sys-usb now without deleting a qube

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Hello, I have the same problem. I downloaded a cold storage wallet and since then it shows that my data vom-pool is at 96% and when I try to start a qube I get this response

It seems that your storage is full and you need to free up the space by removing something in your VMs or removing VMs before you can start up your qubes. Starting qubes requires to have some free space in vm-pool for this qube temporary storage.
Check the Qubes Disk Space Monitor widget in dom0 tray to check your used disk space.

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If someone comes across this thread, this might fix the issue (at least for short term):

nano /etc/lvm/lvm.conf

***thin_pool_autoextend_threshold = 90***

into :

***thin_pool_autoextend_threshold = 100***

I wondered about this problem too. Maybe reserving 10% made sense a few years ago with 250-500GB drives, but with 4TB drives quickly becoming more affordable, this setting reserves 400GB. What for???