Cannot create a working USB install of Qubes using dd by following the documentation

I followed the documentation guide as closely as possible:

  • Downloaded and verified the integrity of the Qubes 4.2.0 ISO.
  • Applied sudo dd if=Qubes-R4.2.0-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress bs=1048576 conv=fsync in sys-usb and in another trial in another qube
  • In all cases dd if=/dev/sda bs=1M count=$(stat -c %s ~/Downloads/Qubes-R4.2.0-x86_64.iso) iflag=count_bytes | sha256sum returns a different hash. And when I try to boot to the installation with the Verify ... option the verification halts after a service fails to launch.

I’m out of ideas here. I tried installing Ventoy and putting the Qubes 4.2.0 ISO in the stick to see if the problem came from it, but it booted without problems and passed the verification (unfortunately the install doesn’t work with Ventoy and gives an Anaconda error).

Did you try a different USB stick?

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I ruled out that there was a problem with the USB stick:

I tried installing Ventoy and putting the Qubes 4.2.0 ISO in the stick to see if the problem came from it, but it booted without problems and passed the verification (unfortunately the install doesn’t work with Ventoy and gives an Anaconda error).

Also for note I tried the dd command while the USB stick was formatted with ext4.

format it with simply fat32 :slight_smile:


This worked! Thank you so much!

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