Cannot connect to Wi-Fi

Qubes 4.0.3
Lenovo Ideapad
Network Controller: Realtek Semiconductor

I’ve allowed sysnet to use the Realtek Semiconductor. I also successfully configured network connections from sys-net manually by typing in the SSID and the password but I don’t get how exactly I can connect with it now.

I am unsure if I have to do anything with rfkill or lsmod (I cannot see iwlwifi)

I have tried opening the Settings application of the sysnet vm and it doesnt launch. The same goes for other VMs.

Note: I am a beginner and I have been having problems with Qubes OS
since installation. I have not been able to use my laptop ever

Installing Qubes can be a bit of a challenge and folks on this list are
happy to help you work through it. You could as a first step take a look
at the hardware compatibility list

There are several IdeaPad’s listed there. Some of them with Realtek
WiFi. Therefore it seems not impossible to get this working. Most likely
Fedora doesn’t come by default with the drivers needed for your laptop.

In that case the next step is to identify the respective Fedora package
and install it (either via Ethernet or if all else fails download and
transfer from another computer)

This is the worst experience I have ever had with a distro. I wish
to just connect to the Wi-Fo so I can replace it immediately.
Sorry to hear that. Troubleshooting your issue either requires a working
Ethernet connection or another internet-connected computer to download
the respective package. If all you are planing to do is to replace Qubes
either of these paths should be sufficient to create an install medium
for the distro of your choice.

I’d like to apologize. I’ve since deleted my post. I’ve been very frustrated as I’ve been at this for almost two weeks.

I honestly don’t know what the problem is as I have used Fedora on my laptop without any problems before. I’ve also ensured my Ideapad is compatible.

I would love to give Qubes a chance I just wish I knew where to go from here. Ethernet is unavailable for me at the moment but I’ll try.

I honestly don’t know what the problem is as I have used Fedora on my
laptop without any problems before. I’ve also ensured my Ideapad is

It might be that the fedora version that comes with the installer might
be older than what you tried. I understand the frustration, my first
attempts to get Qubes R3.2 running on a DELL Laptop have been difficult
too. There are plenty of nice people here that will help you overcome
these initial hurdles.

If you don’t mind:

  • Which IdeaPad are you using and do you have any more detail on which
    Realtek WiFi model you have?

  • Which version of Fedora have you had running on this IdeaPad?

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