Unless I’ve gotten it wrong, whenever I start an appVM, Qubes creates a temporary copy of that appVM’s templateVM’s root image, and that is discarded when I shut the appVM down. This is why my free space is decreased whenever I start an appVM.
So, if a templateVM’s root image’s size is, say, 8 GB, then am I writing 8 GB to my disk every time I boot up an appVM?
Also semi-related: when installing qubes, I didn’t use LVM (because I wasn’t familiar with it). What am I missing out on?
What are you using for your filesystem? Typically, it uses copy-on-write as in the data isn’t really duplicated unless it’s been modified; At least that’s how it is on LVM and ZFS. Personally, I use ZFS.
If it is plain ext4 partition, the answer is Yes. Supported file systems are thin provisioned LVM (default), ZFS or filesytems with reflink support (e.g. BTRFS).
You are wearing and tearing your SSD. It is advised to backup your important data and reinstall.
in my /etc/fstab from dom0, I see that /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-swap none swap defaults,x-systemd.device-timeout=0 0 0 is written in its last line.
also on its first line I see /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-root / ext4 defaults,x-systemd.device-timeout=0,discard 1 1
Comparing to this /etc/fstab of @Hellothere does my output show that I use ext4 thin provisioned LVM stuff (and am not wearing down my ssd)? I used default options when I installed qubesOS a year ago.
I don’t think there are any security considerations in choosing a filesystem, especially for qubes. I didn’t choose LVM because I’d never used it before and I didn’t understand it, and I didn’t use BTRFS because, ironically, I thought it was going to cause unnecessary writes to the disk (which BTRFS used to do, by the way).