(以前、qubeosのコミニティーで、ここで日本語入力を、やり方を聞いたら、ご親切に、女性の方が、ただ、フェーダー、ディビションなどののターミナルに全部、コマンドラインを入力しておくのと、(あらかじめ全部入れておいてから(両方、ディスポータブルは、起動するたびに、消去されるので、いちいち、入力する必要がある、と、女性の方が、ご親切に、言っていただいたんですが、)・・・。sudo dnf(apt)install ibus-anthy 日本語のGoogleのフォントとかは不要。なぜ、こんなに起動が遅くなるのかな?、と思ったら、バクかな?、と思ったら、単にファイルがめちゃくちゃ重かっただけ、sudo dnf(apt)install langpack-jaだけで動作はする。
sudo dnf(apt)install langpack-ja をターミナルで入れておく・・・。)
sudo dnf(apt) install ibus-anthy メニューでibus-anthyを選択 右上に文字盤表示。
sudo dnf(apt)install langpack-ja
ibus start (ターミナル上で、起動した状態で、それでworkを起動させておけば、workで日本語が打てる)
English Word
From Jomini.
Question 1.
I apologize to everyone in the community for speaking in Japanese.
(I will provide a translation in English later.)
Um, sorry.
There is a Japanese website that describes how to install Brave Browser, but it seems a bit complicated, so I would be grateful if everyone could tell me a simplified
installation command, simple is best (easy is best). Could someone please tell me? I’m very sorry.
(Previously, when I asked in the qubeos community how to input Japanese here, a woman kindly told me that I should just input all the command lines into the terminal for faders, divisions, etc. (I put everything in beforehand, and then (both the removable ones are deleted every time you start up, so you have to input them each time)… sudo dnf(apt) install ibus-anthy Japanese Google fonts and the like are not needed. I wondered why it was so slow to start up, and then wondered if it was a bug, but it turned out that the files were just really heavy, and it works just with sudo dnf(apt) install langpack-ja.
Enter sudo dnf(apt) install langpack-ja in the terminal…)
For example, at startup, in the work terminal, enter the removable command line in the terminal each time you start up.
sudo dnf(apt) install ibus-anthy Select ibus-anthy from the menu Display the clock face in the upper right.
sudo dnf(apt)install langpack-ja
ibus start (If you start work with it while it is running in the terminal, you can type Japanese in work)
I’m sorry for the complicated explanation, but a long time ago, when I was in high school, von Clausewitz (a Prussian soldier) wrote in his book On War that “the author himself has no intention or thought of teaching difficult ways of teaching and writing.” I would be very happy if you could teach me some simple ways of teaching me. Thank you very much.
In other words, I would like to install Brave Browser, language input software, and language packs. There are instructions on how to do this on a Japanese website,
but that website is aimed at professional programmers and probably involves complicated steps, so it’s easier for programmers to follow a simple-is-best approach. I’d really appreciate the help from the community. Please lend me your help.
The reason I’m writing this, even though I can type with Funix and Work, is because Brave Browser has a more reliable Japanese input pack, a Japanese input software (I think it’s run by Microsoft… vscode?). (When I looked at Japanese websites, such as ibus and fcitx5, ibusIME Japanese packs, Japanese software, and language packs, it seemed like the Japanese people who were taking care of them were there. When I searched for ibus, fcitx5, Japanese language packs, and Japanese language software, I found that the program was being repaired by a Japanese programmer, and that if this person didn’t repair the IME Japanese input pack, it wouldn’t work in Japanese. I found this on an online website, and it seems that the Brave Browser language pack is being repaired and is being used by the major company Microsoft, so I would appreciate your help.)
Thank you all in advance. I’m waiting for your reply.
English Word
From Jomini.
Question 1.
I apologize to everyone in the community for speaking in Japanese.
(I will provide a translation in English later.)
Um, sorry.
There is a Japanese website that describes how to install Brave Browser, but it seems a bit complicated, so I would be grateful if everyone could tell me a simplified
installation command, simple is best (easy is best). Could someone please tell me? I’m very sorry.
(Previously, when I asked in the qubeos community how to input Japanese here, a woman kindly told me that I should just input all the command lines into the terminal for faders, divisions, etc. (I put everything in beforehand, and then (both the removable ones are deleted every time you start up, so you have to input them each time)… sudo dnf(apt) install ibus-anthy Japanese Google fonts and the like are not needed. I wondered why it was so slow to start up, and then wondered if it was a bug, but it turned out that the files were just really heavy, and it works just with sudo dnf(apt) install langpack-ja.
Enter sudo dnf(apt) install langpack-ja in the terminal…)
For example, at startup, in the work terminal, enter the removable command line in the terminal each time you start up.
sudo dnf(apt) install ibus-anthy Select ibus-anthy from the menu Display the clock face in the upper right.
sudo dnf(apt)install langpack-ja
ibus start (If you start work with it while it is running in the terminal, you can type Japanese in work)
I’m sorry for the complicated explanation, but a long time ago, when I was in high school, von Clausewitz (a Prussian soldier) wrote in his book On War that “the author himself has no intention or thought of teaching difficult ways of teaching and writing.” I would be very happy if you could teach me some simple ways of teaching me. Thank you very much.
In other words, I would like to install Brave Browser, language input software, and language packs. There are instructions on how to do this on a Japanese website,
but that website is aimed at professional programmers and probably involves complicated steps, so it’s easier for programmers to follow a simple-is-best approach. I’d really appreciate the help from the community. Please lend me your help.
The reason I’m writing this, even though I can type with Funix and Work, is because Brave Browser has a more reliable Japanese input pack, a Japanese input software (I think it’s run by Microsoft… vscode?). (When I looked at the Japanese website, ibus and fcitx5, ibusIME Japanese pack, Japanese software, language pack, it seems that the Japanese who are taking care of it are Japanese people. When I searched for ibus, fcitx5, Japanese language pack, Japanese language software, I found that the program is being repaired by a Japanese programmer alone, and that if this person does not repair the IME Japanese input pack, it will not work in Japanese. I found this on an internet site, so it seems that the Brave Browser language The pack is being repaired and is being used by the major company Microsoft, so I would appreciate your help.)
Thank you all. I am waiting for your reply.