Hello all esteemed qubeheads. Today i got new keyboard that is bluetooth only.
How can i easily use it for all qubes?
I have usb receiver dongle on my pc, that is recognized and working, but i cannot connect that to sys-usb qube it says “permission denied”
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I found solution, in case anyone else wonders, just run these on “sys-usb” terminal 
power off
power on
agent KeyboardOnly
pairable on
scan on
pair <mac address>
## the passkey will be printed, enter it on your keyboard ##
trust <mac address>
connect <mac address>
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could this be used to connect bluetooth headphones?
I have reviewed sys-audio but it seems its too complicated for me at this time.
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Potentially, but you’d have to set the qube in which the audio is playing to use sys-usb as its audioVM, via: qvm-prefs [qubename] audiovm sys-usb
Qusal has a virtually painless sys-audio setup:
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For those who may come to this later: I wanted to consolidate my BT headset used by sys-audio to sys-usb, following the suggestion I made above. This doesn’t seem to work and renders BT input devices unusable when the BT adapter is assigned to sys-audio.
I may try and spend more time troubleshooting, but the easiest solution would be to dedicate the internal BT adapter to input devices, and a separate external BT adapter for audio.